Customer success stories

We operate across a number of sectors, utilising our technology and direct marketing expertise to ensure campaigns have maximum impact.
Toucan Success Stories
Libby London
35:1 ROI
With a 7.2% response rate

Libby London

Libby London is a British fashion brand offering stylish and functional womenswear, including dresses, suiting, and knitwear.
  • Toucan integrated directly with Libby’s Shopify platform, identifying customer activity including cart abandonments.
  • Automated, personalised mailings were triggered, allowing for a 24 hour window to allow email activity. Toucan tracked customer purchases ensuring they had not completed sales within the time window.
  • The programme is fully automated and continues to generate a consistently high sales conversion rate, generating an average ROI of 35:1 to date.

Brook Taverner

Brook Taverner saw success with programmatic emails but sought to reach non-responders. They turned to Programmatic direct mail to recover abandoned cart orders.
  • Using Toucan’s API, they integrated their e-commerce platform to track website visitors and cart abandoners.
  • The technology identified customers who didn’t receive or open emails and targeted them via direct mail.
  • Bespoke offers were sent shortly after online visits, leading to higher conversions.
  • Achieved a 9% average response rate and a 12:1 ROI.
  • Now planning to make programmatic direct mail a permanent part of their marketing strategy.
Brook Taverner
12:1 ROI
With a 9% average response rate
response rate…
With a 93% conversion rate

Volkswagen V6 launch

For the launch of the Volkswagen V6 Amarok, customers who registered interest were programmatically mailed a hyper-personalised invite to a launch event.
The campaign featured a true multi-channel solution with customers being directed to a personalised web site where they could interact directly with VW. Every customer interaction was captured through the website generating clear analytics whilst providing the customer with a complete end to end experience.
The results speak for themselves…
The campaign generated an incredible 21% response rate with 93% of customers converting to a test drive.

People’s Postcode Lottery

Launched in 2010, the People's Postcode Lottery grew to 4+ million UK players. To boost retention they developed a CRM strategy for regular player engagement and loyalty.
  • Their goal: Increase player retention through a strong CRM strategy.
  • The integrated CRM sends personalised Welcome Packs within 24 hours of first ticket purchase
  • Automated communications include Birthday & Christmas cards and targeted messages to prevent churn.
  • Results Average player lifespan grew from 26 to 77 months, boosting revenue and loyalty.
  • To date, £1.4 billion raised for good causes.
People's Postcode Lottery
26 to 77 Months
Average player lifespan increase
NFU Mutual
increase in ROI compared to traditional DM

NFU Mutual

Proving the power of hyper-personalisation.
NFU Mutual ran an upsell campaign to reward existing customers with discounts for adding additional insurance products, tailored to the existing customer profile and products purchased.
A test scenario was created with the intention of comparing the results of standard DM against hyper-personalised messaging, including changing images of complimentary products. Despite mailing 50% less volume, revenues generated were more than doubled.
The campaign clearly demonstrated the power of personalisation, delivering a Return on Investment of 6:1 when compared to the traditional campaign of 1.5:1.
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